Listrak’s platform capabilities and best practice strategies have driven increases in acquisition and triggered revenue for Knockaround.
GXP closed the revenue gaps left by previous providers, leading to immediate jumps in revenue and ROAS for TOMS.
For Sol de Janeiro, GXP experts implemented a custom, cross-channel marketing strategy with a focus on SMS, driving subscription growth and revenue gains.
As AI floods the industry, Retail Marketers are set to scale programs and improve efficiency. But beware of traditional functionalities rebranded as “AI-powered.” Learn tips to use “real” AI while still controlling your decisions.
Cookie deprecation is delayed, but this shouldn’t surprise marketers. Get a refresher on how third-party cookies affect Listrak solutions, and six strategies you can power with Listrak to collect customer data.
With Listrak, you can drive seamless and personalized, cross-channel interactions. Learn more about the DNA of the company that makes this happen.
Check out how our clients use Listrak to help them grow and deliver results.
With the addition of GXP, 10-year client Crystal Classics immediately began saving time, increasing acquisition, and growing revenue.
Longtime client Le Creuset added identity resolution to their marketing strategy and quickly boosted acquisition.
With the addition of GXP, Jonathan Adler reduced their monthly TCO, unified all their customer data, and can now orchestrate communications from a single platform.
The addition of Identity Resolution through GXP created huge wins in acquisition and revenue for longtime Listrak client All-Clad.
Consolidated data and a focus on identity resolution marketing led to increased list growth, conversions, and revenue for MacKenzie-Childs.
Launching GXP boosted LAFCO’s cross-channel marketing efforts just in time for the holiday season, leading to November being their largest sales month on record.
Lehman’s trusted Listrak’s GXP to drive incremental business growth. It hasn’t disappointed; immediately increasing daily subscriber opt-ins.
Long-term Listrak client Nambé added GXP to drive additional ecommerce revenue and had immediate success.
JR Cigars immediately experience great results with GXP, adding this solution to their acquisition arsenal.