
Black Friday + Weekend


Increase in Triggered Revenue


Increase in Triggered Revenue as a Percentage of Total Ecommerce Revenue YoY
Cyber Monday


Increase in Daily Subscriber Signups YoY

Crystal Classics, the largest independent retailer of fine crystal in the U.S. and a Listrak client since 2013, recently added GXP, Listrak’s identity resolution solution, to their digital marketing strategy. As a family-run business with a lean team, Crystal Classics knew that the managed service that is central to GXP would reduce the burden on their marketing employees, freeing them to focus on other projects while Listrak’s experts maximize the impact of their campaigns and drive ecommerce revenue.

Due to Listrak’s cutting-edge identity resolution technology and a relationship based on earned trust and mutual respect, GXP has created massive first-month wins for Crystal Classics.

Listrak has proven their value over and over again throughout our ten-year partnership. After the amazing results from the first month, we’re excited to see how GXP continues to help grow our business.
Bruno Bergman, Owner of Crystal Classics

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Ready to grow your business?
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