Google Delays its Third-Party Cookie Deprecation for A Third Time

Cookie deprecation is delayed, but this shouldn’t surprise marketers. Get a refresher on how third-party cookies affect Listrak solutions, and six strategies you can power with Listrak to collect customer data.

Listrak’s GXP Tops G2 Identity Resolution Indexes for Fall

G2 has awarded Listrak the top spot among identity resolution providers across all Fall Indexes: Relationship, Results, Usability, and Implementation.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Keeping yourself and others safe online is easy when you know how. Listrak and our employees prioritize security measures daily. We spotlight four key behaviors everyone can and should do.

Identity Resolution Engages New Customers and Drives Dramatic Revenue Results for Retailers

Learn why Identity Resolution is the key to connecting with customers in 2023

Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment in GA4

In the new GA4, the Shopping Cart Abandonment campaign attribution will differ from how UA attributed it. Learn how to create Custom Channel Grouping for accurate data analysis.

Reviewing Channel Attribution & Campaign Performance in GA4

Compare your UA and GA4 data. Learn the reporting differences and be confident when analyzing your data so you can make the best decisions for your brand and set new, smart goals and expectations with your leadership.

Google’s Move to GA4: Understanding Your Data

Now that you have migrated to GA4 understand the new iteration of analytics - the look, data organization, and KPIs definitions. Learn what to be aware of as you compare your data from UA to GA4.

Google’s Move to GA4: How To Stand Up GA4

We’ve pulled together resources and screenshots to help you migrate to GA4. Follow these and feel confident as you switch before June 1 – giving you time to analyze your data before Google’s July 1 switchover.

Google’s Move to GA4: Why You Should Switch Now

On July 1, 2023, Google Analytics will officially sunset its legacy system and go-live with its new iteration, GA4. Learn how this will impact your day-to-day campaign performance management and what you must do now to prepare.

Listrak Earns G2 Accolades for Identity Resolution and More

Once again, Listrak has been named a Leader and High Performer in multiple categories by G2, even beating out all other Identity Resolution competitors on G2’s Relationship Index.

Post-Holiday: Three Things You Need to Do to Start the Year Off Right

Once the holiday season ends, it doesn’t mean your customers’ shopping season is done. Just the opposite – it kicks off a new kind of shopping season.

Consolidating Vendors Pays Off for Sol De Janeiro

Sol de Janeiro scales with Listrak’s integrated platform and unlocks operational savings by 50%!

How to Stay Compliant with Website Data Privacy Laws (and Avoid 7-Figure Fines) with Listrak

The latest data privacy ruling, CA Supreme Court vs. Sephora, is a wake-up call for retailers putting off CCPA and GDRP compliance. Learn what you must do now.

Listrak named a Leader and High Performer by G2

We are proud to announce that Listrak has been named a LEADER in multiple categories in G2’s Summer Report thanks to our great clients and their ongoing satisfaction!

3 Tips to Help You to Avoid the Summer Slump

Summer is a busy season, but it's not always busy for retailers and brands. Follow our 3 Tips to Summer Sales and Data Collection with GXP.

Is Disparate Data Limiting Your Performance?

Learn six reasons your digital marketing performance may be suffering and how Listrak can unify your data.

Digital Marketing in 2022: Remember the Last Mile is Also Critical for Digital

Work with your deliverability team to solidify the "last mile" for your email and SMS messages.

Digital Marketing in 2022: Continue To Nurture the Customer After Every Sale

Retention is essential to maximize growth and profits, Learn must-do strategies to retain your customers.

Digital Marketing in 2022: Foster Engagement To Ensure Visitors Become Browsers, and Browsers Become Buyers

Digital Marketing in 2022: Prioritize Acquisition, Identity, and List Growth 

Learn how to collect better zero- and first-party data for better customer interactions.

Digital Marketing in 2022: Preparing for a Cookie-less World

A blog series to teach strategies to help you win with digital marketing in 2022. Part 1: The Death of Cookies

Listrak Announces Direct Integration with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

The combination of the two marketing technology platforms allows clients to deliver targeted, triggered, cross-channel 1:1 messages to exponentially grow revenue.

How Personalization Drives Better Conversions with Listrak GXP

Learn how GXP works alongside your email marketing to turboboost your email efforts and personalize the shopper experience.

Why Now is the Time to Consolidate your Digital Marketing Tools

A single platform can give you the complete picture of channels, engagement, and attribution.

Ready to grow your business? Let’s talk.

Ready to grow your business?
Let’s talk.