
Black Friday + Weekend


Increase in Overall Triggered Revenue


Increase in Email Abandonment Revenue
Cyber Monday


Increase in Email Welcome Series Revenue


Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

Knockaround, a trendy, customizable, and affordable sunglasses brand, had digital marketing efforts in place that were working for them, but a company initiative to consolidate vendors brought them to Listrak’s single integrated platform. This enabled Knockaround’s customer data to be centralized in Listrak’s engagement platform, allowing them a 360˚ view of their customers in order to orchestrate seamless, cross-channel experiences. Additionally, Knockaround migrated their established email and SMS programs into Listrak, and they added Listrak’s Identity Resolution solution, GXP, to their efforts to boost onsite and offsite acquisition, personalization, and revenue.

The results to-date show a flourishing partnership with continued growth on the horizon.

Listrak’s partnership has supported and maintained the upward trajectory of our business growth. Their single platform unified our marketing efforts, allowing us to easily activate cross-channel campaigns. With the exciting addition of GXP, we’re poised to see more wins than ever.”
Jeff Hennion, CEO, Knockaround

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Ready to grow your business?
Let’s talk.