Listrak named a Leader and High Performer by G2

We are proud to announce that Listrak has been named a LEADER in multiple categories in G2’s Summer Report 2022 thanks to our incredible clients and their outstanding reviews!
G2 is a widely respected tech software and services review platform that collects real-time, authentic user reviews. These reviews become the foundation of the company’s profile on the G2 site. G2 validates and analyzes the collected data to publish quarterly lists and grids that rank the world’s best software companies and products. Potential customers can leverage G2 data to make better-informed purchasing decisions.
Listrak’s Customer Engagement Platform, robust feature set and best-in-class service have helped to earn and establish a leading position in the following G2 categories:
- Marketing Automation
- Identity Resolution
- Mobile Marketing
- Personalization
- SMS Marketing
Furthermore, we are thrilled to display our Summer 2022 badges! These badges are a symbol of excellence and customer satisfaction.

Specific Badges We’ve Earned:
Leader – Listrak is firmly positioned in the “Leader” quadrant for Marketing Automation, Mobile Marketing, SMS Marketing, and Personalization, having achieved both substantial market presence scores and high ratings by G2 users.
High Performer – Listrak’s Growth Xcelerator Platform (GXP) achieved an immediate High Performer badge in its inaugural debut in the Identity Resolution category. GXP user reviews scored an average 4.5 stars.
Highest User Adoption – Listrak earned high scores in the G2 Implementation Index.
Best Support – Listrak earned high scores in the G2 Relationship Index.
Users Love Us – The badge is earned after collecting 20 reviews with a consistently high average rating of 4.0 stars or higher.
All five badges speak to Listrak’s core vision and focus on outstanding performance for our customers. Every team at Listrak works hard to provide solutions, strategies, and true partnership that delivers real results for our retail clients.
Listrak has been named a Leader by G2 in every seasonal report since 2019. Listrak currently holds a 4.6 out of a total 5-star rating on G2 and 180 user reviews to-date.
We truly appreciate our clients and their incredibly positive reviews!
Interested in partnering with Listrak for your email marketing, test message marketing, and identity resolution marketing? Let’s talk.